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Educational Fund

Mission Statement:

The Education Fund was put into place with the sole purpose of promoting and educating the general public regarding the Pygora® goat. PBA members in good standing may apply for these funds. The funds are to be used in ways that would benefit the PBA and address the goals mentioned. All grants need PBA Board approval.

Click here to review application guidelines for the Educational Fund
Click here to review the Education Fund proposal requirements

Application Guidelines for each calendar year

A.  General:

  1. The PBA Educational Fund Committee, with the endorsement of the PBA board, will administer the Education Funds.

  2. Monies will only be awarded if the PBA treasury can support such funding, but the Board will be required to make every effort to do so.

  3. A determined amount of money will be available each year for one or more grants, totaling no more than $600.

B.  Time line for Proposals and Awards:

  1. Call for Proposals will be announced in February of each year in the PBA Newsletter as well as on the PBA website. PBA will have available an “Educational Fund Proposal Packet” to those requesting one.

  2. Proposals (hard copies) will be due to the Board by September of the year, preceding the year the grant would be awarded.

  3. Awards will be made by the Board, no later than December of the year the proposal was submitted. All parties submitting proposals would be notified as soon as possible.

  4. Receipts from expenses would be due to the PBA treasurer no later than 10 working days after the event.

C.  Board Guidelines for awarding funds:

  1. The Board will accept one or more proposal each year, with an attempt to award the total amount agreed upon in A3. Awards can be for the full amount, or if several grants are to be funded, the money will be proportioned as the Committee suggests.

  2. The Board would have the option of not awarding any proposals in any given year, if they felt the situation is warranted.

  3. Preference will be given to a region that was “under-developed” if warranted and/or attempts will be made to award proposals equally in all three PBA districts.

  4. Proposals will be accepted as is, or accepted with Board modifications. The person(s) submitting proposal would then be allowed to accept or reject the modifications. If rejected, they could have one chance to present their case as to why they feel the modifications would not acceptable.

  5. Emphasis of awards will be to reach as many people as possible.

  6. Awarded money will have to be spent in the manner outlined in the accepted proposal.

D.  Examples of what the PBA Educational Fund might fund

  1. Pygora goat health issues

  2. Pygoras in 4-H

  3. Pygora fiber/spinning seminars/workshops

  4. Livestock Management

  5. Pasture Management

  6. Show information/Training

  7. Other innovative ideas!

E.  Examples of expenses PBA might fund:

  1. Travel for individuals crucial to the event

  2. Food and Lodging crucial to the event

  3. Educational Materials & Supplies

  4. Stipend for speakers

  5. Rental costs associated with the event

F.  Rules & Regulations:

  1. No individual or group submitting proposals to be funded from the Educational Fund shall use these monies for a “for-profit” event.

  2. Award must be used to cover only expenses listed in the budget of the proposal.

  3. If fees are required to attend the event, they must be used for expenses not covered by the PBA award.

  4. All original receipts that grant fund monies are used for must be submitted to the PBA Treasurer no later that 10 working days after the date of the event.

Educational Fund Proposal Requirements
Proposal requirements: The Educational Fund Proposal must be submitted to the PBA Board by the time frame listed in the Application Guidelines. The information provided would need to include the following:

A.  Identification:

  1. Name, address, phone number, email, etc. of contact person writing the grant.

  2. What group, if any, you are representing?

  3. Other individuals participating in the “planning committee” for your event (if any).

B.  Purpose of Proposal:

  1. A brief description of the event.

  2. How might PBA members benefit from this event?

  3. What audience are you targeting?

C.  General:

  1. How many participants are expected?

  2. Location and date of event.

  3. Subject matter to be covered at event (brief)

  4. PBA members only or is the public invited?

D.  Budget

  1. All expected expenses of the event must be listed, including those that you would be applying funds for. Specify what expenses you would expect the PBA Education Fund to cover.

  2. All income for event must be listed, regardless of the source.

    1. Funding requested from the Educational Fund.

    2. Fees charged at the door (if any).

    3. Funding from other agencies (if any).

    4. Donations/Contributions expected (if any).

    5. Other

E.  Any other information you would like to include for the Committee’s benefit.

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124 S Perry St.    Saint Marys, OH 45885  603-828-8619

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Copyright © 2002-2020 Pygora® Breeders Association