Make new friends and valuable business connections. Learn what other PBA members are doing. Become a member of a very special group of Pygora goat people whose common bond is their love for these little fleece producing goats. Don't be left out! Join the PBA now.
The Pygora Pypeline - a quarterly newsletter filled with valuable information on what is happening in the Pygora world.
Free classified ads in the Pygora Pypeline and free listing in the Member’s section of the PBA website.
Reduced rates for services such as goat registrations and transfers.
Use of the PBA Logo to link your website to the PBA.
Free use of the official PBA display banner (member must pay shipping costs).
Free Goat of the Month photo posting on the PBA website homepage with the name of the goat, breeder and owner.
Exclusive PBA merchandise through The PBA Store to show your Pygora and PBA pride.
Participation in Pygora fleece studies with access to study reports.
Opportunities to participate in sanctioned PBA goat and fleece shows.
Opportunities to apply for Education Fund grants available for promoting and educating the general public on the Pygora goat.
Access to Pygora educational materials, including informative brochures.
Opportunities to make a difference in the PBA community by volunteering on any of several committees or on the board. You can be a part of the decision making.
Voting rights for adult members.
Access to the PBA online Herdbook - A complete pedigree listing of every registered Pygora goat
An online breeders’ listing - just $15.00 a year for PBA members
Advice on fiber mills & fleece processing - information on how to select a mill for transforming fleece into useful products.
Free listing of Pygora-related shows and events on the website and in the newsletter
Participate in PBA board meetings on My Workplace at PBA Board Meetings.
The PBA is on Facebook too. The group page is called the Pygora Breeders Association, and is for members only.
Website Policies - the PBA website belongs to PBA members, your participation and contributions are vital.